
The designation of 大学杰出教师 has been established in order to recognize faculty members at the University who are outstanding teachers at the undergraduate level. Only full-time non-tenure-track and non-tenured faculty members will be considered for this honor. 指定教员将永久持有该头衔, 在大学出版物中被如此识别, and receive an annual monetary award of discretionary funds to support their professional development for the four years following their appointment. The names of all 大学杰出教师s will be engraved on a plaque to be prominently displayed at the University.




  • Each nominee shall ordinarily teach a minimum of three undergraduate courses per year for at least the past three years.

  • 教师 nominated for consideration as 大学杰出教师s shall have a record of superior accomplishment in teaching. The nominee shall document this record with evidence such as results of student opinion surveys, 同行评价, 以前学生的陈述, 以及其他相关信息.

提名程序 & 时间表


Nomination will be in writing by a departmental colleague in the nominee's discipline by September 1.

  • 时间表 of Non-tenure-track and Non-tenured 教师 for 大学杰出教师 Designation
    日期 行动
    8/1 Provost and vice president for academic affairs calls for nomination of eligible faculty to be submitted to the department/school chair and forms the 大学杰出教师 Committee.
    9/1 Nomination(s) submitted by a departmental colleague in the nominee's discipline.
    10/1 Chair of the department/school conducts a secret ballot of the department/school full-time faculty members to select the nominees and forwards the nominees who received a majority of the vote, 包括投票, 致学院院长.
    11/1 College dean evaluates the credentials of the department/school nominees and selects the college nominees for submission to the 大学杰出教师 Committee via the Provost's 办公室. The number of college nominees shall not exceed 10% of the college's full-time non-tenure-track and non-tenured faculty.
    12/1 大学杰出教师 Committee reviews the college nominees and submits its recommendations to the provost and vice president for academic affairs. Nominees forwarded to the provost and vice president for academic affairs must have an affirmative vote of at least four Committee members.
    1/1 Provost and vice president for academic affairs decides which of the 大学杰出教师 nominees submitted by the Committee will be designated as 大学杰出教师s.
  • The chair of the department/school shall provide the full nomination packet to the department/school full-time faculty prior to the ballot, and the chair of the department shall conduct a secret ballot of all full-time members of the department/school and submit the vote with the nomination. 经投票的多数人确认后, 主席须将提名转交院长.
  • The Dean of the college shall evaluate the credentials and submit the names of no more than 10% of the full-time non-tenure-track and non-tenured faculty in their college for nomination to the 大学杰出教师 Committee.
  • The 大学杰出教师 Committee shall normally be comprised of one full-time faculty member from each college who holds the designation of 大学教授 or 大学杰出教师 as selected by the College Promotion and Tenure Committee. 大学杰出教师委员会可以, 通过至少四名成员的赞成投票, recommend designation to the Provost and Vice President for 学术事务 who will make the final designation not later than January 1 for the next year.


  • Personal statement by the person nominated describing general teaching philosophy [maximum two pages double spaced].
  • Documentation of teaching innovations and of a scholarly approach to teaching and learning.
  • 最近三年的投资组合审查是必需的.
  • Curriculum vitae with priority given to activities and awards that focus on teaching [maximum two pages].
  • 教师 member's teaching log listing courses taught in the last three years with number of students, 过去三年的学生意见调查, 还有最近三年的成绩分布.
  • 除了提名信, no more than four letters of support with at least two written by the nominee's former students who have graduated from the University. The other two may come from persons in the community of his or her profession including former students [maximum 12 pages]


提交给教务副教务长 & 战略行动

奖 & 演讲

The recipients will be recognized at the annual 教师 and 政府 奖s Dinner. 也, 他们的名字, 还有历届获奖者的名字, 会被写在韦伯中心显眼的大牌匾上吗. The recipients will each receive $3000 annually in discretionary funds for four years, 只要他们仍然是ODU的教员. 接受者不需要(或被邀请)做陈述.


佩奇O ' shaughnessy









  • 市场营销米歇尔·卡朋特
  • 劳拉·希尔,人体运动科学
  • Nestor Escobales,工程技术
  • 查尔斯·格雷,社会学和刑事司法学系
  • Ayman El Mesalami,计算机科学系
  • 贝丝·贝克斯,英国人
  • Alison Lietzenmayer,传播与戏剧艺术
  • 薇薇安·佩奇,会计
  • Kelly Alvey,信息技术与决策科学
  • 凯瑟琳·杰克逊,英语
  • Tatyana Lobova,生物科学
  • 安德鲁·科恩,财经
  • 詹尼斯·克雷布斯·史密斯,英语
  • 吉米·卡罗威,信息技术与决策科学
  • 艾米·兰德斯心理学
  • 约书亚·瓦拉赫,化学与生物化学
  • 卡拉·哈雷尔,传播与戏剧艺术
  • 亚伦·卡普,政治学和地理学
  • 兰德尔·斯普瑞尔,会计
  • 贝琪·肯尼迪,公园,娱乐和旅游研究
  • 会计部的特里·库比尚
  • Nathan Luetke,工程技术

佩奇O ' shaughnessy









  • 市场营销米歇尔·卡朋特
  • 劳拉·希尔,人体运动科学

  • Nestor Escobales,工程技术

  • 查尔斯·格雷,社会学和刑事司法学系
  • Ayman El Mesalami,计算机科学系

  • 贝丝·贝克斯,英国人
  • Alison Lietzenmayer,传播与戏剧艺术
  • 薇薇安·佩奇,会计

  • Kelly Alvey,信息技术与决策科学
  • 凯瑟琳·杰克逊,英语
  • Tatyana Lobova,生物科学

  • 安德鲁·科恩,财经
  • 詹尼斯·克雷布斯·史密斯,英语

  • 吉米·卡罗威,信息技术与决策科学
  • 艾米·兰德斯心理学
  • 约书亚·瓦拉赫,化学与生物化学

  • 卡拉·哈雷尔,传播与戏剧艺术
  • 亚伦·卡普,政治学和地理学
  • 兰德尔·斯普瑞尔,会计

  • 贝琪·肯尼迪,公园,娱乐和旅游研究
  • 会计部的特里·库比尚
  • Nathan Luetke,工程技术